Name: Cloverinahaystack
Barn Name: Clover
Birth Year: 2013
Gender: Mare
Height: 16.2
Color: Dark Bay
Location: Sacramento, CA
Starts/Win/Place/Show: 3/0/0/0
Career Highlights: Clover raced three times and never hit the board. Clearly, she was not meant for racing as she practically came in last in all of her races and only earned $315. Her three races were at the Pleasanton Fair and Golden Gate Fields.
Total Earnings: $315.
Last Race: 7/3/2015
Sire: Bushwacker
Dam: Guise Cliff (Distant View)
Other Pedigree Notables: Mr. Prospector, Danzig, Alydar, Northern Dancer
Description: Clover has blossomed into a beautiful, large, dark bay filly. She is very kind, easy to work with, super smart and learns very quickly. She’s got just that small dash of sass to make her playful and fun. She is the first one to greet you in the pen. Ties, leads and lunges, respectful with the farrier.
Clover is now being trained under saddle and is running soundly in her paddock with her best buddy JD. Clover would also be an excellent prospect for a therapy program because of her outgoing friendly and easy going personality. With a little further training she will make a wonderful mount.
Update July 2017: From trainer Justine Hiebert. “Clover started her started her training at the Hiebert Ranch on June 11th 2017 and in the past month she has progressed so much that I don’t even have words to describe it. She has become a very reliable and confident trail horse. Clover is still young and sometimes decides that maybe that rock over there is a little bit scary and might come out and bite her; but she’ll want to check it out.
The other night when we were out on a late evening ride there was some turkeys that were roosting up in the trees. They decided that it was a perfect time to fly away while we were right underneath them, Clover was actually more calm than I was; I thought it was a cougar. She took it in stride and off we went.
Whenever I have cantered her down a trail or road that she’s never been on before, she doesn’t really care that it’s new and she’s just willing to go the speed that I ask her to go. She’s slowly learning how to side pass under saddle, and has definitely got the sit back and “whoa” to stop down. She flexes well and knows a one rein stop. She will stand ground tied to be saddled, and she will follow at liberty.
This next month she will be challenged more. We will take her over some low jumps, get her used to dragging obstacles and tarps behind her on the ground. Directional backing up. And we are hoping to get her in a local schooling show just to see how she does with all the commotion. I personally think that she will be just fine and respect who’s on her back.
It’s a real pleasure to get to work with this amazing little mare. She really is something special.”