There have been many happenings going on at Neigh Savers. Most of them are extremely positive and thanks to you, we have been able to forge ahead on our mission & many of our goals.
Currently we are trying to retire a 12 year old still racing in Oregon at Grant’s Pass. He is #1 on my list at this point. If you would like to make any donations to his retirement, please use the link at the bottom of this email. Also, on the list is a horse I have been chasing all over the US trying to retire. I do have a photo of this guy….please don’t hate me for trying to retire a gorgeous roan, almost white. His name is Lifeline & he’s currently in Minnesota but I’m hoping he’ll return to Golden Gate Fields in the autumn. I have no idea what the 12 year old looks like. I usually don’t see a photo until I’m making an offer.
As stated in an earlier update, Kylemore was sent to us for some rehab and recently was shipped to Las Vegas where he will continue his rehab and then be trained by Fire & Ice Horses. Sadly, Kyle was not in good shape when we retired him off track. He has substantial body soreness, some arthritis and very bruised feet and thin soles in addition to being underweight. We hope Jennifer can turn him around and hope to post some positive news at a later point. She does wonders with horses so we are optimistic with good farrier work & nutrition we will soon see a turnaround.
As you know, we support Horses in Baja for their excellent therapy program for disabled children. Recently one of the therapy horses named Halley suffered an injury to the superficial digital flexor tendon. This now requires stem cell therapy treatments (photo shown of treatment #1) and she won’t be back to work for a year or so. If you know anything about horses you know they are among the most fragile of creatures and usually any injury is from a year to 18 months of rehab. This is one of the factors that makes rescue-rehab so expensive unlike a cat/dog rescue for instance.
We are also supporting a horse named Miz Paradis for life in Arizona as we rescued her many years ago when Neigh Savers was in its infancy and thus have stepped up for her as she has no sponsors. This mare is always grumpy and Ruth reports is “a do not bother mare” and yet Miz Paradis is and has always been one of Ruth’s favorite horses. It’s sometimes the challenging and difficult ones that somehow take our heart. For some unknown reason you love them despite all their best efforts. You can see in photo 1 Miz Paradis has adopted her most grumpy face and in photo 2 she looks the regal and beautiful liver chestnut mare she is.
I have also had an update on A Flicker of Light in Oregon. Flicka was content to be the sole horse with just her companion dog Lily and human caregiver Diane and sometimes her husband Mitchell. However, recently a large gelding named Aris arrived and now the two are truly inseparable. Aris doesn’t know quite what hit him over the head with the infatuated Flicka. They make a very cute couple.
Lastly, we have three horses at Horse & Rider Connection in Martinez, CA . One is the 13 year old warrior On the Key (Legend) and the other is the youngster Finally Got a Red (River). Addie & Camryn have been working with both and these photos show them on their first trail ride together after months of very hard work and persistence. I am always hopeful when I see young people face up to challenges, put in the time, are not afraid to overcome setbacks and learn to work together in a respectful manner. These are the young people Kim Bredehoft is mentoring and training. And all the many skills they are learning in her barn can be transferred to real life. A huge shout out and neighs of deep appreciation to Kim, Laurel & Kris who are guiding these youngsters and to the students themselves. You are all doing a magnificent job and I am very proud of you and our longtime association!!
Thank you again for your ongoing support! Only your donations make any of this possible!!