

Lumpy is a late 20’s chestnut Quarter Horse gelding with a white blaze.  He had a very pronounced tumor on his shoulder which we had removed in the spring of 2023.

Update August 2023:  Lumpy has come very far in three months and is looking towards making a complete recovery!!!

January 2024: Lumpy is now the best looking dude at the Sanctuary. He’s healthy, happy & extremely sociable. Everyone loves him!

Things looked glum for Lumpy. We had gotten him with a large tumor on his shoulder. However, it was closed and not growing so vets decided it was better to monitor. They did a fine needle aspiration on him when first assessed and found nothing suspicious. However the tumor had since grown to almost twice its size and was oozing fluid and blood. It was not a good situation. We could have euthanized him or given him a shot at removing it even though the aftercare was daunting. I opted for the surgery to try and save him.
The amazing vets at Mendocino Equine & Livestock were able to successfully remove a 10 lb plus tumor & then the hard work began by Sarah. Sarah was onsite everyday for three months to monitor, apply medication and rewrap the huge wound. Lumpy was given a sleeve to further protect him from flies etc and today is actually the first day he no longer needs to wear it. It’s a great day indeed to share a positive outcome with everyone.

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