Our tack sale held on Sunday, September 24th was a huge success and we raised nearly $1,400!
Thanks to our coordinator Barbara Dutra and everyone who cleaned tack, organized the layouts, baked goods and helped with fitting horses and giving advice to our shoppers. Shout out to Friends of Bear Creek Stables member Melany who drove down to deliver cupcakes and help haul stuff from the trailers to the set up area. Other shout outs go to Scott Williams and Gary Ashford who did more hauling both before and after the event.
Executive Director Karin Wagner was with us all day long showcasing our beautiful NS swag and our own Sunday junior volunteer Maddie was the ringleader along with Emma and Evie (Scott’s girls) who decided to lure customers off of Bear Creek Road for some of our baked goods- they delivered and made a wonderful contribution!
Great team-work! Diane Azevedo & Karen Read were there all day long with Barbara and it was a solid group effort! The Race for the Rescue’s event is in a few weeks-proceeds go towards a wonderful cause!