As always, Salsa is doing wonderful!! I can’t say enough good things about him. He has shown some great progress on the ground with his canter so we’ve finally started doing a little canter work under saddle. At the moment I’m not asking for any collection. He still needs a little more balance and strength before that can happen but it will come quickly. He gave me a few collected strides the other day (on his terms) so that’s a small victory!!
Salsa has a new found love for trail riding. It’s been great to get his brain out of the arena and focusing on something a tad different. He has been a perfect gentleman every time I’ve taken him out. There’s always something go on at the park. Even with all of the commotion (bikers, runners, strollers, dogs… to name a few) he’s been fantastic. All of these things are great for him to see. I strongly believe in the importance of trail riding. It truly makes them more rounded and much more focused when they begin a show career. Salsa is truly remarkable and we are so lucky to have him.