

Bobby, formerly known as Hip # 136, was rescued from November 2015 Mike’s Auction. This sweet and petite boy was ridden through the auction ring. He appeared quite broke. Sommer reports that nickered to her, walked right over, then walked away. Upon arrival to NexStar, Bobby seemed a little unsettled. It looks like he has an old saddle sore scar on the right side of his withers.

Bobby is named after the beloved cat of Ritchie & Pauline R. who so generously donated the funds to rescue Bobby from auction.

February 2016 Update: We are so excited to announce that Ricky Bobby has been adopted by previous Neigh Savers’s adopter Dharrine M. Dharrine and her family have a riding program in the Southern CA area and are using Ricky Bobby to teach kids to ride. This is a super home and Dharrine and her family cannot be more excited about welcoming him to their barn. From thrown away auction horse to happy kids horse, we love endings like this!